Ways to achieve goals in life

Taking responsibility will help you achieve your goals, and the following guidelines will help you use your power to overcome problems. Don’t let your circumstances tell you who you are and what you should do.

Those who sacrifice their emotions to their shortcomings and circumstances believe that they cannot change their circumstances, so they walk down the yellow brick road that leads to Wonderland and hope for magic. find a solution that can solve all the problems that are engulfing them and drowning them.

So my simplest suggestion to you is to not let the circumstances you find yourself in tell you who you are and what you should do.

In other words, you should not look for hope for future success in the hands of a magician. Relying on someone or something to save you will only make you feel like a victim and destroy your ability to think clearly, creatively, and quickly, thus eroding your reasoning power. Instead, take responsibility for changing your circumstances, and try to create good and positive things in your life and be proud of yourself for changing your circumstances.

Whether you’re looking to make major changes in your life or just want to tweak it a little, here are 10 key guidelines to help you accept your actions, decisions, successes, and failures. To change your situation, do something from today. They have been mentioned, and their study will definitely not be without grace.

Another definition of accountability
Does the mere mention of the word accountability make you shudder with fear? There is a negative and disappointing view of giving answers in the common dictionary of all human beings, which shows the annoying feeling of the need to report, explain or justify and take responsibility, and all these represent countless tasks for a person. which must be undertaken.

The point is that sticking to yourself and your goals should not be strict. You should see your accountability as a gift to yourself and have a voluntary view of doing it so that you can embrace success through it, not as something you have to do or have to do. If you hate doing it, look at it.

Think that your life depends on creative thinking
When you turn to creative thinking and keep your mind open, you begin to discover solutions to overcome challenges that you may initially believe are out of your control. So it is better to think of a new idea or strategy to save yourself instead of sitting on your hands and constantly complaining about the situation.

The goal you want to achieve to solve many of the problems you face is probably not a life-and-death scenario, but many creative solutions emerge when you balance things well.

While if you don’t do anything to save yourself, you may put your life in danger, so you should always picture happiness and success in your mind.

When you cannot control your circumstances, you let them control youOn March 22, 2012, the Malian government’s military overthrew the presidential palace, ending the West African country’s 20-year-old democracy.

In this chaotic market, Islamic groups took control of two-thirds of the country and announced the dissolution of the upcoming democratic elections.

Yahim Samik, the mayor of the small town of Ouélessébougou, which was located about 40 miles away from the place of chaos, says in this regard that the moment of the coup was an unfortunate moment for everyone, including me.

I came to my living room and sat on my special chair. My wife came to me and started shaking me with her hand. I told him I still couldn’t believe it and I was looking for sympathy.

Then you call me like that? “He just said go out and do something. It doesn’t matter if you are sitting on a chair or lying on your bed. All you need to do is go out and do something.

You have to show your desire for a goal by the effort you put forth
Everything has a certain price, and this price is represented by the energy, effort, patience and resources you spend on that particular goal.

Of course, the good things in life don’t come without a price: you want to lose weight, but you don’t want to give up your favorite foods or exercise. So you will never reach your desired weight unless you change your approach.

You want to be promoted in your job and reach high grades, but you don’t want to spend more hours on your work and put in more effort. So you will never be promoted unless you change your working procedure.

Success happens when you try and struggle and climb the steps of success one by one.

Don’t let gravity pull you down.
Just like the huge planets that pull everything towards them by creating gravity, it seems that difficult problems and challenging obstacles also have gravity that pulls you towards them and prevents you from achieving success. .

This force becomes bigger and stronger when the challenges in front of you become bigger and harder. But you should not be disappointed.

Any breakthrough needs a big hit
Jim Carrey (famous Hollywood actor) grew up in very poor conditions. After his father lost his job, his family was so poor that they lived in a van; At one point in his life, Kerry had to sleep in a tent and on wet grass at night. But he always believed in what he wanted to do in the future and the successes he could achieve in the near or far future.

Continuing his life story, one of the first nights of Carrey’s career as a stand-up comedian, he drove his beat-up Toyota to the Hollywood Hills and, while looking for Los Angeles, his checkbook. pulled out from the dashboard and wrote himself a check for 10 million dollars. He also wrote “for acting services” in the description section and put it in his wallet.

At that moment, Kerry was determined to cash that check as soon as possible. In the next five years, Jim Carrey’s various characters brought him worldwide fame, and at the height of his career, he was receiving $20 million checks to play in the best Hollywood films, and all this for one reason only. What happened was that Carey believed in himself.

When you discover your inner strength, you will see that you have unique abilities that you can use to create a better world for yourself.

Ask for feedback
Asking for advice and listening to other people’s criticism of yourself makes you answer. To do this, you need to convince your coach, friend, colleague, or other important people in your life that you would like to hear what they really think about you.

The evaluator should know that if he is completely honest with you, you will not resent him and will not reciprocate. Feedback is the key to overcoming blind spots and achieving better results.

Ask yourself, am I a tenant or an owner?
We value the things we own more than the things we rent because we don’t like to invest in temporary things. Such investments are not very attractive to us and have no value for us.

Have you ever washed your rental car? of course not. But when you know that something is yours, be it a car or a house or anything else, you feel responsible for it.

Because you have invested in it and sacrificed things for it..but when you rent something, you have not lost anything in return. If you are truly committed to achieving your goals, pursue things that you can own.

Be prepared to dig a lot of land for gold
Finding the right solution is like mining for gold. Have you ever followed the lives of modern day miners who compete against time, each other and nature to get rich? First, the miners have to move 6 to 12 foot layers of soil and rock before the main mine excavation begins.

Under this apparently worthless 6 to 12 feet pile of soil, there are gold mines, the more they push away the more soil and the more they persevere and don’t lose hope, the more gold they will find.

After all, they have to move tons of dirt to find just one ounce of gold. It is true that it is hard work, but it will reap great rewards from these hardworking men.

Do it!
How do you do this? And how will answering yourself make you progress? Just start. Choose what path you want to continue and make plans that can help you along the way.

You have to choose whether you want to fulfill your dreams or constantly consider yourself a victim of circumstances and blame the earth and time.

True success comes from within you, not from the outside. There is no magician who holds the key to your success. Instead of looking for a witch, look in the mirror because the only person who can change your life is you.


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